Shipping Information.

Estimated delivery times ** 

North America  10-25 days
Canada  10-30 days
South America 10-30 days
Europe   7- 20 days
Australia  10-45 days
Asia 10-30 days

For your order, we will select the most optimal and convenient method of international delivery. We have extensive experience in delivering all over the world. All our items are carefully packed and protected to be delivered undamaged.

  • We make and ship your order from Ukraine
  • All our shipments have a tracking number. *
  • If you need expedited shipping, please contact us!

* -Some countries do not allow tracking certain type of shipments in the territory of the recipient country (UK, Canada)
** - the terms depend on the seasonal workload and other events of the postal service. Delivery times may change during the holiday season or during a pandemic.

Refund Information

 If you are considering returning your order, we understand that you may have encountered some issues or concerns. Please be advised that our products are handmade after your order, which means that we cannot accept returns.

However, we will send you a photo of the finished product for confirmation before sending it out. If you have any problems with your order, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are committed to ensuring your satisfaction and will do our best to resolve any issues that may arise.